It’s go time! TODAY is #GivingTuesday, and First Flight Society has set a goal to raise $5000 in just 24 hours. Those funds will allow us to fulfill our mission to tell the story of the Wright Brothers through community events, education, and the commemoration of the world’s very first powered flight, in Kitty Hawk, NC. It truly takes a village to make real change, and we’re so lucky to have such a dedicated community of supporters. Together, we can do this. If you haven’t done so already, please tell your friends and family about our campaign. Spreading the word gets our voices heard and the donations rolling in! Ways to Contribute: 1. Make a direct contribution to support our cause. 2. Become a recurring donor and provide sustained help. 3. Give your time and skills to make a hands-on impact. 4. Share our mission on social media and raise awareness. 5. Donate in memory or celebration of a loved one. How to stay connected with us: Social Media: www.Facebook.com/FirstFlightSociety Company Website: www.Firstflight.org Contribute Directly: www.Firsftflight.org/donate From, First Flight Society Team Today is #GIVINGTUESDAY I want to donate for Giving Tuesday 
Thank you! Every gift regardless of size helps us fulfill our mission. Mike Fonseca President First Flight Society Donate |